Which Subject do you hate the most this semester??

Monday, October 22, 2007

Group A) Listening and Conversation.

SA everyone,
I could only gather some of us to discuss the script of our "mini-play" hehe.
So PLEASE write a draft of what you'll probably have to say before tomorrow so if we have just a 10 minute break or something before the lesson, we could prepare it well.

Shall we revise the sequence of events besor3a?

-The Narrator (me) mentions briefly that there was crime where mr. Gregory was convicted.

- The Judge ( 3abdul Ra7man) announces that the court is now in session and informs mr. Gregory of his conviction. Then asks miss Persis Remenant's lawyer if there's anything he'd like to add.

- Persis' lawyer ( Attourney A ) will question THE MAID (BERTHA), THE POSTMAN, MISS PERSIS HERSELF & probably mr. Gregory ( It think this should be an interesting idea! worth a try :)

- I have no idea what should happen next!! lol
PLEASE be co-operative about this! :S


ħø$$Ý said...

sure a good idea :D the man has to play it right! ;) Mr. Greogery must be summoned as a witnes ;) (that will be funny, getting away with what he have done! i like that part in movies)

~:: Malak ::~ said...

No msh keda :D

I mean enno lamma beyestad3o el mottaham bass yehrooh as2ela saree3a we mowaghat till he/she breaks down we ye3teref :D :D

beteb2a gamda moot we 3ayza lawyer mo7taref bass I'm not sure we can pull it off :D

lel asaf esp. ennena msh 3arfeen netgamma3 v_v

ħø$$Ý said...

hehe.. yeah it's hard! but not impossible ;)

aham 7aga el team work, keep it simple and do ur best whatever what :D easy? see?? ;)