*ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM * is the longest word in popular usage. It consists of 28 letters, and it refers to the movement opposed to the seperation of Church and State.
*PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS * is the longest English word ever alive. However, its usuage is strictly medical or scientific. It is 45 letters long. It refers to a lung disease caused by breathing in certain particles. You can find the word in some English dictionaries, not all of them as some do not consider the word as part of the English language.
In middle school, our teacher wrote this lung disease word on a reaaaaaally long piece of cardboard and made two of my colleagues roll it open..
Our jaws kept dropping as they opened it :D it seemed endless aslan!
hehe! hold ur breath! lol
OMG!.. *faint*
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