Which Subject do you hate the most this semester??

Saturday, November 3, 2007

why not?

why should my best friend be a girl?why should'nt him be a boy?why should any girl and boy stands togreather be lovers? why should'nt they be friends?actually i have a friend and i concedred him my best friend the only problem i face that he is a boy...... actually it 's not a problem for both of us cause we feel comfortable togreathe we can understand each other and we also have a very similar charactires ,but it's a problem for the people around us they always think that we r lovers i really love him but as my brother and he also love me as his sister and we dont't care about people but the most thing that make us unhappy that the people still have the same way of tinking that would never change that they can't think that a couple of boy and a girl as friends could be very good in comparing with a couple of two girls and they will never know that there is feeling could be between a girl and a boy but not love it is some thing higher than that it's friendshipe ............


nolly said...

nehal I think you are totally right!!a guy and a girl should be able to be best friends without love interfering and ripping appart the friendship!!!I had a best friend(guy) once and we were doing great!!he showed me a guy's points of view and perspectives and vice versa..he was wonderfull.. may god bless his soul:)

ħø$$Ý said...

Rre-judging and Racism; gender (a boy or a girl), color (white, black, ...whatever), relgious... I can write about it all day and I won't finish it. I'm just talkin' in general here

Cause she is a girl she can't do so, so and so. Almost she can do nothing! Cause he is a boy he can do whatever he likes! Who said so?

Another thing, yeah... Why can't my best friend be a girl? Why can't her best friend be a boy? lool, People hate simple things cause it's too simple the can't understand or whatever (or that what I think)
Or maybe they just can't accept it? I dunno but it annoys me when people thinks and talks as if they know it all. lool
But again, as for me What the hell? :D I already don't care about people and what they think.. (I just wanna be myself) and I like to feel as me when I'm with some one :D If that happens to be that someone is a girl.. What's wrong with that?? :D as long as we understand each other, respect each other. what's wrong?

if anyone has any other point of view PLZ let me know :D

Lina said...


I guess I'm going to repeat all the same words :) You just have to care about ur beliefs first, then you might consider what people will think of them. It's YOUR life, no one is living it except urself .. so what the heck, people think ur best friend should be a gurl or a boy!!! After all he is YOUR best friend! YOU choose him, not people! :D (clear huh?)

I actually belief that friendship cannot be limited by smth simple like a "gender;" that'll be nuts!! It's all about a good way of understanding the other party, and we're all human after all ..so if u feel more comfortable opening up and sharing problems and memories with a guy then it's OKAY! As Nahla mentioned, I also believe that befriending a guy makes u travel to a world that's slightly different from ur own ... you kinda explore how males think, what are their first priorities, and how they're different from females! So, in that way, you gain experience! :D

All you need to do, from my point of view, is to keep your limits, and if u succeed in doing that no one will ever try to utter a word about ur frienship :)

Since you know deep inside that ur doing smth "right" then u just have to care about those who respect you ... who does not like ur way of life either takes it or leaves it ..But just don't force urself to do things that ur not actually satisfied by doing. BE YOU! :D


maiouya said...

Yeah nihal,i got your point and actually i used to have this amazing friend he's a guy and actually i used to have a boyfriend at the same time ,but i gotta tell you at most times if you'd asked me i'd say i trust ma friend more than ma lover .Its actually like comparing your brother and your boy friend there's no comparison right?
so i guess if you considered what ppl say about everything in your life ,you'd be like blurry you wont get what you want and as line said its YOUR life !!
so its clear enough for you lolo to choses what suits you and actually what you see suiting your beliefs .
So hun dont even bother yourself thinking 'what would they say if i ...'
Live it babe its all YOURS !*wink*

*nehal~* said...

thanks miss lina ,nolly and mayoya you all really helped me and hossy you was the guy i was talking about you r really a good friend as you help me ,understsnd me and make me feel comfortable talking to u and rally trust u so much i hope that we still best friends for ever

Lina said...

I knew it was Hossy :D (As if you said something new ya Nehal :P)

You just need to pay attention of something VERY important!!! Seems that Hossy's bad spelling is just transfering so fast to you! Watch out Nehal your spelling is affected by a certain kind of virus w kolo tab3an mn 2ostaz Hossy :P:P lol

ħø$$Ý said...

well, you know Nehal... :) I really hope that too. And miss Lina :/ what shall I do for the spelling issue, grammar and conversation? :S lool, you were the one who said I'm improving :D
anyway... I'm trying to improve my skills (thanx to miss Lina, miss Muna & all of you all :D )

Nehal, you know that I know that miss Lina know that almost everyone know there is sumthin' BUT there is NOT! we just understand eachother, comfortable talkin' to eachothers, FRIENDS :)

Lina said...

Actually you are imroving fe3lan! BUT I meant that u just transfered the virus to Nehal :P